Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Night With The Land Family (Jan. 19)

After leaving Matt and his family, we headed northwest to the Waipoura Forest, home of the giant Tane Mahuta. Tane is the largest living Kauri tree, Kauris being New Zealand’s answer to the redwood. Tane Mahuta is pretty huge as you can see, but apparently wasn’t even one of the largest Kauris in recent history. Unfortunately a forest fire killed the larger trees, which dwarfed Tane. Still, Tane Mahuta was a pretty impressive specimen to us.

Tane Mahuta, the largest living Kauri tree

According to Matt’s dad, Kauris have an interesting story. Kauris were prized by early settlers for the gum they produced, but Kauris apparently produce so much of the gum that given enough time a forest of Kauris will fill enough of the soil with it that they will end up killing itself off. But anyway, they can grow huge, and were in all the tour guides, so we had to go see it.

Our next accommodation was to CouchSurf at the Land family residence in the mountains above the Opononi area. Opononi is a small beachside town in the Hokianga area of the Northland, largely untouched by the outside world. The Lands live in a self-built home far above the town, and it would be no stretch to call the family remarkable. I know we keep saying that about all our hosts, but again it’s true. Simon and Sha’ntina Land are in their late 30’s, but have had 9 children, 6 of whom are young enough to live at home. So they must have a bit of energy.

Simon is a cabinetmaker by trade, but as he put together the family’s current house and is busy building a more proper and permanent home not 100 ft away from their current abode, there seems to be no area of construction that he is not knowledgeable about. In keeping their home, educating the children, and helping Simon in various projects, Sha’tina also manages to keep busy somehow. The Lands live pretty simply and rustically, but also rather cleverly, generating electricity from a local stream and obtaining a good deal of food from hunting in the local area.

The Land Family residence

We met 3 of the Land’s children extensively and were amazed by the energy and fearlessness of even their 2-year old, climbing trees like monkeys, bouncing off of trampolines, and jumping from all manner of high places. Becky winced probably 100 times in the day we were there, as they jumped and fell for their new audience.

The view from the Land Family's home

Despite only getting to spend one evening with the Lands we felt like we had made fast friends with the family, and wished we could have spent more time there. They made us feel at home, were great conversationalists, and had great spirit as a family. You don’t often meet people who lead a completely different lifestyle than you do, but still feel totally welcomed in, but the Lands did just that. It was absolutely a unique and stimulating experience we probably won’t ever forget. I don’t know how or if they manage to sleep through the rooster crowing incessantly at dawn, but in any event, thanks Lands!

Us, Simon and Sha'tina Land, and 4 of their 9 children (Scott, Flynn, Francis, and Charlie)


Karly said...
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Karly said...

Aunt Beck-Beck,

I miss you soooooooooo much.Did you get the video? I think it looked sort of weird.
We are having a good time today here at home. Today we celebrated Gram's birthday. The best part that was that Uncky's family was here.
I think that the little sheepy was soooooooo cute. Please bring me home ten. Oh yeah! Can you also get me that cute little puppy. I'm sure the Land family won't mind.
Well Aunt Beck and Andrew I made this comment because I frogot to write comments all those other days I was on the blog.
Stay strong,
K Baaaaa